Bible Connect
Every  Monday - Friday

"Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture..."
 (1 TIMOTHY 4:13–14)

"All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work."
(2 Timothy 3:16-17)

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Why Join Bible Connect?


What Is It?
Bible Connect is our reading support group that exists to help people cultivate the spiritual discipline of reading God's word regularly.

Who Is It For?
  • Bible Connect is for those who want to develop good habits of reading scripture and hearing scripture read but might struggle to do it by themselves.
  • Who would benefit from hearing the Bible read aloud to them individually or as part of a group.
  • People who would like to read the Bible in a year but struggle with traditional reading plans.
  • Those who would benifit from an online support group as they read the Bible.

How Does It Work?
  • Every weekday morning (Mon - Friday) at 8:30 am, the daily reading is broadcast live on on this website and the NP connect mobile app (coming soon).  
  • The readings usually last for 20 minutes. It's a great way to begin your day with God's word.  (Total run time = 30 mins max).
  • Messages, prayer requests and discussions on the day's reading then take place through our online messaging group.

How Do I Connect?
 Readings and reflections are broadcast live on this website,  and through the NP Connect mobile app, (Exclusive to  members in Northern Presbytery Churches) and we also publish videos on our the Bible connect facebook group which you can request to join here -

What If I Can't Make Every Broadcast?
Each stream will be recorded and featured on this website throughout the day. Archives of previous readings will be made available.

How Do I Sign Up?
Anyone can watch online, If you would also like to have access to the Bible Connect messaging group so you can ask questions, use the group finder at the bottom of this page and request to join the group.  Capstone Church Plant members and members of Churches within the Northern Presbytery also have access to the  message board through the NP Connect mobile app (Comming Soon)

Download The Five Day Reading Plan

 The reader's companion guide offers introductions to each book of the Bible as it appears on the schedule, and key comments to help you understand difficult verses, puzzling texts, and the overall flow and impact of the current reading. Reading the NT portion of the Companion you will find application at the close of each week’s readings. The OT part of the Companion helps harmonize the history of Israel, especially with prophets and kings. The Reader’s Companion is over 140 pages. Every chapter of the Bible is treated except for the book of Psalms. While not an in-depth commentary (that would take too long to read each day) the Reader’s Companion provides just the right amount of practical, key information to help your daily Bible reading become Bible study.

*Please note resources on this website are provided to aid with Bible study. Opinions and theological interpretations contained therein are not necessarily reflective of those belonging to NP connect, its partners or affiliated church plants.

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