Mission & Vision

Go therefore and make disciples...

Who We Are

NP Connect is a pioneering  initiative of the Free Church of Scotland's Northern Presbytery that aims to share the Good news of Jesus with the North of Scotland.

We are an evangelistic ministry whose main goal is to reach at least 500 new people with the Gospel of Jesus by the end of 2027.

What We Do

1) We connect people with God
 through evangelistic outreach.

2) We connect people with one another through Christian community and discipleship,

3) We connect the work of the Northern Presbytery with the wider church.

What's Different

NP Connect is what might be called a "Skunkwork" and  has been afforded some autonomy within the Northern Presbytery to trial new forms of creative ministry and outreach.
Therefore we purposefully seek to be experimental, creative, and  innovative in our approach to outreach,  fully embracing digital technology to share good news.

In 2022 The Mission Board of the Free Church of Scotland commissioned a "Skunkwork" to take place within the bounds of the Northern Presbytery.  In the world of big business, a Skunkworks usually refers to a small department that is allowed to operate outside the normal procedures and systems of a company so that it has the freedom to develop new ideas, products, etc.  NP Connect is a type of Skunkworks commissioned by the Free Church of Scotland Mission Board to support the work of Gospel ministry in the the North of Scotland.

Our  Mission

1) NP stands for "New People"  
Our first goal is to connect at least 500 new people to the message of the Gospel by 2027.

2) NP stands for  "New  Plant"
Our second goal is to connect these new people to a  pioneering church plant and churches in the Northern Presbytery.

3) NP stands for "Northern Presbytery"
Our third goal is to connect the work of churches  in the Northern Presbytery with the wider denomination, making use of the new opportunities that digital technology affords.

Our  Focus 

(Proclaim The  Gospel In the North)

 (Plant  a pioneering church in the North of Scotland)

(Promote Christian well-being in the North)
(Pioneer digital evangelism in the North)

(Partner with others  to reach the North)
(Prepare the next generation for works of evangelism in the North)

(Provide discipleship resources for the Northern Church)

Our  Vision

Capstone Christian Centre
NP Connect have a long-term vision to see a centre for evangelism established  in the North of Scotland,  a base of operations from which gospel workers are trained up and sent out into the Harvest fields.  

Keep an eye out on our blog or sign up to our newsletter for updates as the Capstone project develops.