Bible Connect (Week 17 Day 5)

Apr 28, 2023    John Wilson

� Reading 5 - 1 Samuel 17; 1 Chronicles 2

17 - Chapter 17 is one of the most famous chapters in the Bible. The story of David and Goliath sets before us a man cut from a different fabric than Saul. The chief aim of the chapter is to contrast Saul and David. Ensure you note the huge differences in Saul and David (for example verses 11, 33 contrasting with verses 26, 32). The other emphasis is David’s great faith (note verses 26, 45-47). David isn’t a fool. He uses the past (verses 34-37) to bolster his confidence in God, gathers his weapon, and meets an enemy who terribly underestimates him (verse 43). The result is a huge victory (verses 52-53). How often God’s people just need one person to demonstrate faith and then everyone will!

2 - 1 Chronicles 2 puts special focus on the tribe of Judah because this is David’s tribe.

12 - The events of this chapter can be reliably dated to AD 44. This is Herod Agrippa I, the brother of Herodias (see Mark 6:22). Verse 5 shows how the church’s answer to troubles was prayer. Verse 15 keeps us from thinking the early Christians were always perfect paragons of faith. They were praying but did not have much faith God would act on their prayer! Don’t miss the contrast in verses 23-24. Evil men who try to stop God’s work are removed (even Josephus records Herod’s death) and the Word of God goes on.

Applications from This Week’s Readings

In these chapters we see God using so many people: Stephen, Ananias, Barnabas, Dorcas, Peter and Paul. Most are just common people who gave themselves over to God’s work. What if Ananias never goes and sees Saul? What if Barnabas doesn’t introduce him to the brethren in Jerusalem? Think carefully: are you making yourself available to God’s work, big or small? Pray about God using you just like He used His people in Acts. Then look for any place to be used and get to it!