Bible Connect (Week 14 day 2)

Apr 4, 2023

� Reading 2 - Joshua 18-21

18-21 - Chapters 18-21 continues the division of the land, including Joshua’s land (19:49-51), the cities of refuge (chapter 20) and the cities for the Levites (chapter 21). The key to all of this material is the sum- mary in 21:43-45. God cannot fail and He did not fail. Israel received the land promised to Abraham so long ago!

Psalm 15

There is an assumption among scholars that ancient temples had some kind of gatekeeper who would ask the approaching worshiper questions to determine worthiness. There may be a little of this in Psalm 15. However, instead of the question being about external actions this psalm probes the heart. This psalm de- scribes the person after God’s own heart and the kind of person, therefore, that God will accept into His fel- lowship. While it certainly has parts that feel like a worship psalm primarily this is a wisdom psalm, teach- ing us how to seek and gain the approval of God. How is that done? What is the life that God looks upon and then stamps “well done?” (verse 1). The response breaks down to a 3-3-2-2 pattern (verses 2-5). There are three positive traits, then 3 negatives, then 2 positives, then 2 more negatives. These fill life with integrity, the kind of life that cannot be shaken or moved (verse 5b).

17 - Verse 4 puts repentance before us again. Don’t make more of verse 6 than Luke wants. Other pas- sages teach us more about praying in God’s will. Jesus is just emphasizing the power of faith, not that we should be transplanting bushes. Verse 16 shows us another Gentile does the right thing. A key statement about the kingdom is found in Verse 21. The kingdom is about God’s rule and reign in our hearts, and should not become some institution. It is “within us.” The section beginning verses 22 is difficult. It may be about Christ’s second coming, or it may speak of Jesus’ judgment on Jerusalem. Either way the focus on preparedness is clear. The wording about “two ... and one being taken” means some will be ready and others won’t.