Bible Connect (Week 19 Day 3).

May 10, 2023    Rev John Wilson

Reading 3 - 1 Sam 30-31; 1 Chron 10

30 - Chapter 30 says there is a cost to David’s deceptions: his home has been raided while he was away. The emphasis is on David’s faith in a terrible crisis. His very life is threatened but David “strengthens himself in the Lord his God” (verse 6). He even inquires of the Lord to see if he should attempt a rescue (verse 8)! Both Saul and David find themselves “greatly distressed” but Saul goes to a medium and David goes to God! What a difference! The episode ends well, with David crediting God for it all, and being generous with what God has given him (verse 23).

31 - 1 Samuel 31 tells us what was happening in the north while David was winning a victory in the south (chapter 30). Things weren’t going so well for King Saul. As Samuel foretold Saul and his forces are routed by the Philistines and he (and many others) die. The last paragraph provides a fitting end for Saul, as the men of Jabesh-Gilead rescue his body (verses 11-13). Saul’s reign began with his rescue of that city and comes to its tragic close there as well.

10 - 1 Chronicles 10 echoes 1 Samuel 31, but note the verdict of God on Saul’s reign and death in verses 13-14.

20 - Verse 4 lists these men’s names because they were delegates from the various congregations who were sending money to Jewish Christian’s relief (see 1 Corinthians 16:1-4). Worshiping with brethren, par- ticularly observing the Lord’s Supper, was very important for Paul. He waited so he could be with the brethren at Troas (verse 7). What a contrast to too many who make little effort to worship when “on the road” or even at home! As Paul gathers the elders from Ephesus he stresses how he has faithfully pro- claimed all of God’s word (verse 27). Verse 35’s saying of Jesus is famous, but what many don’t realize is that it is not in any Gospel. It must have come from Paul’s own conversations with Jesus or from other who knew Jesus and told of what He said and did (see 21:16).