Bible Connect (Week 13 Day 5)

Mar 31, 2023

� Reading 5 - Joshua 9-13

9 - Chapter 9 records the miserable trick of the Gibeonites. Again Joshua fails to pray to receive God’s guidance before acting (verse 14).

10 - Chapter 10 records the southern campaign, featuring the famous “long day battle” (verses 12-13). There is an urban legend circulating that NASA computers have “discovered” this long day but that report is fallacious. The “book of Jashar” mentioned in verse 13 seems to be an early Israelite history book full of stories of heroes and battles. It is mentioned again in 2 Sam 1:18. Note the heavy emphasis on God fighting for Israel (verses 8, 10, 14, 42).

11 - Chapter 11 records the campaign against northern kingdoms. Again, God fights for Israel (verses 6, 8, 20).

12 - Chapter 12 lists all the kings God defeated for Israel.

13 - Chapter 13 begins the division of the land, setting boundaries on the east side of the Jordan. Failure here is specifically mentioned (verse 13) and does not bode well for Israel’s future.

16 - The parable of the unjust steward (verses 1-13) certainly surprises us. Did Jesus commend a thief? Yes and no. Jesus commends him taking action to secure his future, not his stealing. The parable urges dis- ciples to be as diligent securing their future (verse 9). Note the emphasis on money again in Luke. Verse 16 is also difficult. Some see the idea of great effort, of taking vigorous action to get into the Kingdom. While many lessons can be learned from the story of the Rich Man and Lazarus (verses 19-31) we do well to focus on its main points: what we do here affects our eternal destiny, and once there our destiny cannot be changed. In verse 29 we read of “Moses and the Prophets,” a Jewish expression for the Old Testament, i.e., the Bible.

Applications from This Week’s Readings

What rich material for us to pray about as we contemplate our discipleship! Repeatedly we have seen the contrast between the self-righteous and self-satisfied and Jesus’ demands for something more. Where am I in these chapters? Am I a Pharisee or a disciple of the Christ?