Bible Connect (Week 20 Day 2)

May 16, 2023

� Reading 2 - 1 Chronicles 14-16

14 - For the first time we read only in Chronicles. 1 Chronicles 14 records David’s further work to establish Jerusalem as the nation’s capital. Moving the ark here (2 Sam 6; 1 Chron 15) made the city the religious and political capital of the nation. The battle stories of verses 8-17 emphasize David’s dependence upon God who fights for him and Israel. Saul failed to defeat the Philistines and their gods were honored (1 Chron 10:10). Now David gains victory and destroys their false gods (verse 12). David’s willingness to seek God and to obey God is the key difference.

15 - 1 Chronicles 15 tells the complete story of how the ark came to Jerusalem. Verse 13 helps us better understand what 2 Samuel 6 records. Note that David sees the Law of God as a way to “seek Him” (verse 13).

16 - 1 Chronicles 16 records David’s song of praise to be used in the worship of God. It combines Psalms 96, 105 and 106. The psalm is about how and why God is to be praised and is well worth a careful reading. The chapter ends with the curios situation of “split worship centers,” with the ark in Jerusalem and the Tabernacle (rebuilt after the Philistine destruction of 1 Samuel 4?) in Gibeon (verse 39). We are not sure why David didn’t consolidate all worship in Jerusalem at this time, but 2 Samuel 7 shows he fully intended to do so.

24 - This chapter is fairly straightforward. Listen to Paul as he connects himself deeply to Judaism and God’s Law. Christianity is not some outlandish new idea, Paul says, but exactly what God planned all along (see verse 14). Verse 17 references the collection for the brethren Paul brought (see Romans 15:25ff).