I Am The Way The Truth And The Life

Oct 15, 2023    Rev Iain MacAskill

In this sermon delivered by Rev Ian Macaskill at Capstone Community Church, he explores the profound divinity of Jesus through His seven "I am" sayings as recorded in the Gospel of John. Macaskill delves into Jesus' self-revelation as the Alpha & Omega and the implications it has on our faith and the pathway to heaven. The discussion then turns to the promise of eternal life offered to believers of Jesus, as underlined in scriptures.

The first part of the sermon examines the divine revelations made by Jesus through His seven "I am" sayings, and their link to Jesus as the way, the truth, and the life. Macaskill then encourages those in attendance to reflect on their personal journey towards salvation and the importance of Jesus' redeeming sacrifice.

The latter half of the sermon focuses on the promise of eternal life. Macaskill emphasizes the assurance given by Jesus that no one can snatch His followers from Him. The sermon concludes with an engaging discourse on the comforting promise Jesus made to His disciples about their future in His Father's heavenly abode.

The sermon is an invitation to a thought-provoking dialogue, urging attendees to ponder their personal journey towards salvation. It's an enlightening exploration of the path to eternal life through Jesus, the way, the truth, and the life.