Bible Connect (Week 17 Day 3)

Apr 26, 2023    Rev John Wilson

� Reading 3 - 1 Samuel 14

14 - Who would expect a great victory after 13:19-22’s pitiful description of the state of Israel’s armament? Chapter 14 shows that one man’s courage and faith (Jonathan) combined with God’s willingness to give Israel victory radically changed the situation. Jonathan’s great faith in verse 6 is truly inspiring. It isn’t surprising the garrison ran in verses 14-15. They surely thought there must be more of these great warriors coming. They couldn’t imagine a one-man attack. Note that Israelites are part of the Philistine army (verse 21), showing that again Israel is in danger of assimilating into Philistia. Saul’s rash command (verse 24) results in the Philistines escaping to fight again (verse 52)

Psalm 124

This psalm probably fits in 2 Sam 5:17-25’s discussion of how difficult it was for David to re-take the terri- tory lost to the Philistines during Saul’s miserable and awful reign. The Philistines launched a major offen- sive with the intent of ending David permanently. The key is the “if then” structure (verses 1-2). The psalm says God is with us, He is for us, He is helping us, and if that weren’t true we would be utterly lost (verses 3-5). The song just flows with joy that God is on their side, that Jehovah is their help. God’s power as Creator is cited as the ultimate proof that with God the people of God are utterly secure (verse 8).