Bible Connect (Week 12 Day 5)

Mar 22, 2024

� Reading 5 - Deut 23-26

23 - Chapter 23 begins with those who are excluded from the worships assembly. Verse 1 doesn’t sound very politically correct today, but may reflect those who had mutilated or cut themselves in the wor- ship of idols. The “forbidden union” of verse 2 may be with a temple prostitute. The other laws in this chapter again stress the need for God’s people to be holy and pure as they were living before God on God’s land.

24 - Chapter 24 does not encourage or sanction divorce, but instead regulates the practice so that it would not grow worse. The “indecency” of verse 1 is uncertain (it is not sexual immorality - a person was stoned for such). The aim of the law is to make divorce so serious and irreversible that it was not done lightly or frivolously. Jesus tells us this law was made because Israel’s hearts were hard (Matthew 19:8). Divorce doesn’t please the Lord. Note the law of gleaning given in verses 19-22. These laws form the basis for some of the key action in the book of Ruth.

25 - Chapter 25 regulates several parts of day to day life in Israel. Beating someone would be a severe punishment that was regulated carefully (verses 1-3). Animals could be used to farm with, but not ex- ploited (verse 4). If land was to stay in the family then an heir to a dead man must be produced, and so the laws of Levirate marriage ensured (verses 5-10). Verse 11’s stunning law may relate to this - a man’s abil- ity to bear children was very important.

26 - Chapter 26 contains the moving ceremonies and worship relating to the bringing in the first fruits of the harvest. This feast would normally happen at the Feast of Weeks (Lev 23:15, 20; Num 28:26) but here the emphasis is on depending on God, being thankful and being obedient to Him.

11 - Note the emphasis on persistence in prayer (verses 5-13). In our instant society this is much over- looked. Verse 30 includes Gentiles again, this time the Ninevites.

Applications from This Week’s Readings

There is much in these chapters that challenges a lame and weak version of discipleship that says “I go to church three times a week so God must really be impressed with me.” Am I becoming like Jesus? Am I bearing my cross daily? Am I denying self? Do I serve others or just self?