Bible Connect (Week 12 day 2)

Mar 21, 2023

10 - Chapter 10 accents God’s grace in renewing the covenant with a stubborn people, even selecting priests from a family famous for failing (verses 1-11). Israel must therefore serve the Lord with all their heart (verses 12, 16). Obedience to God, as always, is in their own best interest (verse 13).

11 - In chapter 11 Moses reminds the people what God can do, and that they have seen Him at work (verses 2-7). They must therefore choose the way of life and serve God and He will bless and protect them.

12-13 - Chapters 12-13 set forth laws concerning purity of worship. There was to be a central sanctu- ary to worship God, not many worship sites like the Canaanites used (Chapter 12). False prophets (13:1-5), friends deciding to do evil (13:6-11) and even whole cities (13:12-18) might challenge right worship with temptations to idolatry. All such evil must be stamped out.

14 - Chapter 14 separates Israelite ways from Canaanite ways. Israel would not mourn like pagans did (verses 1-2), and their diet would be different as well (verses 3-20). The boiling of a goat in its mother’s milk is believed to be a pagan fertility rite (verse 21). The chapter ends with provisions made for the sup- port of the Levites scattered throughout Israel in their respective cities. They would be cared for with the tithe (verse 27).