Bible Connect (Week 17 Day 1)

Apr 24, 2023

� Reading 1 - 1 Samuel 9-10

9 - Chapter 9 finds exactly the kind of man Israel was looking for in a king, by describing him physically (verse 2) while his spiritual qualifications are completely lacking. Through a long train of events, God’s controlling hand is seen in bringing Saul to Samuel. While Saul is never spoken of as possessing the kind of spirituality that we meet at once in David he at least is humble (verse 21). Unfortunately, this humility won’t last.

10 - The anointing of Saul begins the chapter (verse 1) though it is a secret anointing. Saul was publicly proclaimed king later. There is a heavy emphasis here on God’s Spirit empowering Saul to be king (verses 6, 9). Verse 8 summarizes what may have been more detailed instructions about assembling Israel at Gilgal once Saul had settled in as king and awaiting Samuel (see 13:13). While some do not understand the signs Samuel gives Saul whereby he can know he is God’s choice (verses 11-12) Saul would know and be certain that he would be king. Once again we find humility, if not reluctance, on Saul’s part (verse 22). How this will change as power goes to his head!

Week 17 - Acts 8-12

8 - Luke characteristically gives us a brief introduction to a major character in verse 1. Stephen’s death is something Paul never forgot. Verse 5 has the church starting to branch out in a natural direction: Samaria. Samaritans were looked down on by Jews but knew something of God and His law. Some of the most important information about the miraculous gifts of the Spirit is recorded in verses 14-19. Note that at baptism one did not receive a miraculous gift. This eliminates Acts 2:38’s “gift of the Spirit” from being miracles. Further, we learn here that only apostles could give the power of miracles to Christians. This safeguarded the gifts from the very kind of profiteering Simon envisions, but it also means that since there are no apostles today there can be no miraculous gifts given. Verse 23 is difficult in the NASB, having “gall of bitterness.” This simply means “full of bitterness.” We wonder if God miraculously grabbed Phillip in verse 39 or if that just means Phillip left. It could be either.