Acts Chapter 6 & 7 (Exploring the Resilience and Growth of the Early Church)

Jul 2, 2023    Rev Iain MacAskill

Rev Iain MacAsklill preaches the dynamic growth of the early church despite the significant opposition it faced. He preaches on the challenges faced by the apostles, including imprisonment and the jealous wrath of religious leaders. Some reflection follows on the issue of favoritism that had arisen within the church and the innovative solution of selecting seven Spirit-filled men to handle daily food distribution. This sermon highlights how the apostles' focus on their unique ministry of prayer and preaching, facilitated the rapid growth of the church, and even led many priests to embrace faith in Jesus.

Sermon Chapters:

(0:00:07) - Church Growth, Opposition, and Death

(0:19:46) - Stephen's Martyrdom and Gospel's Spread

(0:25:47) - Salvation and Fresh Start Offered