Renew Ep 23 (The Power of Faith and the Holy Spirit: Miraculous Healing in the Book of Acts)

Jun 7, 2023    Rev John Wilson, Rev Iain MacAskill

Discover the incredible power of faith and the Holy Spirit in this episode of NP Renew, as Reverend Iain MacAskill and I delve into the miraculous healing of a lame man at the temple gate by Peter in the name of Jesus. By unpacking this awe-inspiring event from the Book of Acts, we unfold the Holy Spirit's role as a self-effacing witness, and reveal how Jesus promised that those who believe in Him could accomplish even greater works.

Not only do we examine the astonishing healing of the lame man through faith, but we also emphasize the importance of turning to God and repenting in order to wipe away our sins.

0:00:13) - Acts and Spiritual Healing (11 Minutes)

We explore the power of the Holy Spirit, revealed through Jesus. Peter and John encounter a lame man at the temple gate, and Peter, in the name of Jesus, heals him. This miracle points to Jesus and highlights the role of the Holy Spirit as a self-effacing witness. Jesus said that whoever believes in Him can do greater works than these, and this is what we are seeing in the Book of Acts.

(0:11:38) - Healing and Repentance Through Faith (3 Minutes)

We discuss the power of faith, as seen through the healing of a lame man at the temple gate by Peter in the name of Jesus. We explore the need to turn to God and repent in order to have our sins wiped away, and the hope of Jesus' return. We look forward to continuing our series in Acts, discussing the persecution and opposition as they proclaim the good news of Jesus.