Renew Ep 19 (Jonah and the Whale: A Tale of Disobedience, Danger, and God's Saving Grace)

Apr 26, 2023    Rev Iain MacAskill, John Wilson

In this episode, we delve into the fascinating story of Jonah and the whale, or more accurately, the big fish. We explore themes of danger and disobedience as we discuss Jonah's reluctance to answer God's call to preach to the cruel Assyrians, leading to a storm that endangers the lives of sailors. We also marvel at the fact that despite the Assyrians' cruelty and sin, God still considers them worthy of his message of repentance, reminding us that God can save us from any sin or danger if we simply come to him and trust in his grace. Join us as we embark on this new series and uncover the deeper lessons hidden within the story of Jonah. 


(0:00:07) - Disobedience and Danger

(0:10:57) - God's Saving Power for All

Chapter Summaries:

(0:00:07) - Disobedience and Danger (11 Minutes)

We discuss the famous story of Jonah and the whale, or more accurately, the big fish, and how such events have actually occured in modern times. We dive into Jonah's disobedience to God's call, as he chooses not to go on a dangerous mission to preach to the enemies of God's people, the cruel Assyrians. Jonah's actions lead to a storm that endangers the lives of the sailors he is traveling with.

(0:10:57) - God's Saving Power for All (1 Minutes)

In this final segment of the conversation, we marvel at the fact that despite the Assyrians' cruelty, violence, and sin, God still considers them worthy of his message of repentance. This holds true for people today who may think they're beyond redemption or that salvation is not meant for them. However, the important takeaway is that God can save us from any sin or danger; we simply need to come to him and trust in his grace. As a reminder, this podcast ministry is part of NP Connect, aiming to reach 500 new people with the gospel by 2027.