New Beginnings

In the first sermon of our series "Begin again" we considered how repentance is not only a one time act but a way of life. Genuine repentance is the fruit of faith and prayer and love for God. Luther said that all of the Christian life should be marked by repentance.“The recognition of sin is the beginning of salvation.”- said Martin Luther

We remember that without the Holy Spirit first convicting us of our sin and our need for Christ, we would not have placed our faith in him. Thankfully the Lord does not leave us in our sin as we grow in our faith, but continues to reveal and convict us.  God will bring to completion the good work which he has started in us.  

And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. (Phil 1:6)

The full sermon can be played below and there is also a midweek discussion on new beginnings.

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