Start Small

Zechariah Chapter 4 has lots to teach us about small beginnings. In 539BC and in fulfilment of Isiah’s prophecy, Cyrus King of Persia took control of Babylon and encouraged God's people to go back to their homeland, the work of rebuilding the temple had already begun with Zerubbabel, The foundations of the temple had been laid, but the work had come to a standstill. People could already see that the new temple wasn’t going to be comparable to the pomp and glory and splendor of the one built previously. Additionally, the people had received so much discouragement in the face of rebuilding, that the task seemed fairly overwhelming and it may have been difficult for the new community to know how to begin again.

Zechariah was given a vision by God to show Zerrubabel and the exiles, that starting small was the way to begin again. Starting small left room for God to show his Glory, and would enable mountains to be moved. They weren’t building for themselves they were contributing in some small way to a project much greater than themselves.

Perhaps you're not particularly looking forward to the year ahead. The thought of beginning again doesn't particularly fill you with excitement. In the aftermath of devastation, it can seem difficult, to believe that good things can happen again. The Bible, however, teaches us that God works all things together for the good of those who love him. (Romans 8:28) This year, take small steps toward God and see what happens.

“Do not despise these small beginnings”

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