Updates from Tain and Fearn Free Church

The following  artical first appeared on the Free Church of Scotland website

Six new members, 7 new office-bearers ordained & extension of permission to have an Assistant Minister for a third 3-year term.
Tain and Fearn Free Church is rejoicing after welcoming six new members at its recent communion in Tain. The additions have come shortly after the congregation ordained seven new office-bearers.  In addition, this week’s Commission of Assembly agreed to extend the congregation’s permission to have an Assistant Minister for a third three-year term.  Rev Andrew MacLeod has been assistant minister there since 2017.

The three elders that were recently ordained are Marcus MacIver, Angus Macleod and Fin Macrae.

Four deacons have also been appointed. They are Duncan MacDonald, Samuel Robertson, Will Ross and David Skinner.  

The new members range in age from fifteen to ninety-seven.

Rev Alasdair MacAulay said: “It’s been an encouraging few weeks in the congregation. We lost a lot of people after Covid and that has been challenging, so we are delighted to see evidence of the Lord at work among our young and not so young.”

The congregation of Tain and Fearn is situated in an area with a population of around 9,500 people. In addition to regular services held in Tain and Hilton, a host of other events take place including weekly prayer meetings, Bible Studies, Lunch Clubs, youth-work and outreach into a local housing scheme. It is expected that the plans for a new church building for Tain will go out to tender shortly.

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