Posts with the category “np-connect-latest”

A Memorable Weekend of Gospel Connection
by John Wilson on May 19th, 2023
The weekend of May 12th to 14th provided a wonderful opportunity for local people to come together and connect over Gospel fellowship.On Friday night, NP Connect hosted the sixth "My Story" event, featuring singer-songwriters Ruth Campbell and Susan Stirling. Ruth, a talented musician from Scotland, shared her passion for expressing God's love through her music. Attendees were treated to an evenin...  Read More
Commissioning Service
by John Wilson on March 7th, 2023
January and February saw some very fruitful growth at NP connect's outreach gatherings with over 40 new people, now regularly attending our Sunday meetings. Many of these people have come through connections made at the weekly drop in and some having had no former connection to a church.On Sunday 5th of March Rosskeen Free Church held a commissioning service to pray over the Capstone core team as ...  Read More
Helmsdale Kids Club
by John Wilson on February 21st, 2023
Helmsdale Free Church are running a Kids club for primary school kids on Feb 26th. Spread the word!  Craft, games and snacks!...  Read More
Castletown Celebrates 30 Years
by John Wilson on February 21st, 2023
A wonderful evening together celebrating 30 years of Ministry in Castletown - praising God for Howard & Christine and their faithful service to the County over the past 3 decades. Wonderful singing and fellowship too!Thank you to everyone who came out, it was a delight to share in the celebration with so many old and new friends. Thank you to everyone who helped with baking, setting up and clearin...  Read More
by John Wilson on February 21st, 2023
Prayer has been said to be the heartbeat of the Christian life. Prayer is not easy! So don’t be disheartened if you find it so. Since prayer is such a central part of the Christian life we have the World, the flesh and the devil pulling against us. To find prayer hard at times is to be a sinner like the rest of us!Prayer is not just another thing “we do” as Christians, another activity to tick off...  Read More
Love Languages
by John Wilson on February 20th, 2023
The concept of love languages was first introduced by Gary Chapman, a relationship counselor, and author. He proposed that there are five love languages, which are: words of affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts, acts of service, and physical touch. According to Chapman, each person has a primary love language, and understanding and speaking that language can greatly improve the quality of ou...  Read More
Divine Interruptions
by John Wilson on February 5th, 2023
Divine InterruptionsOn Sunday 5th February we launched a new series called "Love" at our Capstone outreach. As he preached through the parable of the Good Samaritan, Rev Iain highlighted that the priest who passed the man by, probably had many seeming legitimate reasons  not to stop, perhaps he had a long journey ahead and needed to make it home before dark, perhaps he had pressing responsibilitie...  Read More
Delighting In Jesus
by John Wilson on February 2nd, 2023
I want to simply share a challenge I read recently that resonated with me. Are we enjoying God? It is such a great question and goes beyond - do we BELIEVE, but do we ENJOY God? The Shorter Catechism famously describes the chief purpose of our lives being to glorify God and enjoy him forever. John Piper famously changed that to glorify God BY enjoying him forever so important did he think it was.D...  Read More
An Evening With Stephanie Staples
by John Wilson on January 30th, 2023
Stephanie Staples will be returning to the Capstone Christian Centre Alness for an evening of testimony and Music on March 10th at 7:00pmAbout StephanieNashville-based international singer-songwriter Stephanie Staples has ministered and performed around the world for over two decades, taking her passionate and contemplative music to a variety of venues in the USA, New Zealand, China, Hong Kong, Co...  Read More
Why Jesus is better than a second chance
by John Wilson on January 24th, 2023
On Sunday 22nd at our Capstone gatherings, we continued our series "Begin Again" with a particular focus on the topic of "Second Chances" But in reality, the Good news of the Gospel is so much better than a "second chance"   Read More
True Worship
by John Wilson on January 18th, 2023
“Woman,” Jesus replied, “believe me, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. (John 4:21)On Sunday we learned of a Samaritan Woman who encountered Jesus. What followed was a conversation on true worship.Imagine getting ready to exercise and then realising the gym is closed. Do you just skip exercising altogether that day? Well if you are like me ...  Read More
The Living Room
by John Wilson on January 13th, 2023
Dornoch Free Church are hosting a drop in every Thursday from noon to 3pm. All are welcome to warm up with a bowl of soup...  Read More
by John Wilson on December 27th, 2022
Type your new text here....  Read More
A New Church Plant For Alness?
by John Wilson on December 18th, 2022
On Sunday 4th of December, NP Connect hosted a series of Christmas outreach gatherings at the Capstone Centre Alness in an effort to plant a new Community Church among the unreached in the area. The plant's core group continues to meet weekly for prayer and fellowship and the Sunday gatherings are already showing signs of growth.  Please pray for this vital work among the unreached as we look towa...  Read More
New Podcasts
by John Wilson on December 5th, 2022
NP Connect have launched two new podcasts. The first is called "NP Sermons" and features messages preached from our church plant gatherings. The second,  "NP Renew", features weekly discussions on themes taken from our gatherings. Both Podcasts can be found in the recourses section of our website, our app (in development) and from wherever you get your podcasts from....  Read More
BBC Coverage
by John Wilson on June 22nd, 2022
NP 500 Featured on BBC News!Good coverage on BBC An Là of the initiatives is the NP500 programme in the Northern Presbytery led by Iain MacAskill. The aim is to have 500 new people attending churches within the presbytery area (north Ross-shire, Caithness & Sutherland) in the next five years.We can work at our planting and watering skills, we...  Read More
The Burn Service 2022
by John Wilson on June 19th, 2022
On June19th Rev Iain MacAskill preached open air at the burn service.   You can watch the whole service here:  Read More
Cafe Drop In
by John Wilson on June 6th, 2022
Np 500 have launched two Cafe Drop in Sessions at the Capstone Centre Alness, it is hoped that these sessions will serve as a warm space for anyone looking to get out of the cold this winter and hopefully be a safe space to meet and chat with others in the local community.  There is always plenty of tea coffee and biscuits on the go and our hope is that in time these dropping will become a contact...  Read More
Fishermans Mission 2022
by John Wilson on May 1st, 2022
It was a full house at the fishermans's Folk Festival. Some great people and wonderful praise and worship by Jimmy Gunn. Rev Iain MacAskill preached from the Bible and asked "will your anchor hold in the storms of life?"...  Read More



