Year In Review

Northern Presbytery: 2023 Year in Review
A Year of Community Engagement, Growth, and Service

As we close another year, the Northern Presbytery, encompassing congregations from Rosskeen to Wick, has experienced a dynamic period of community engagement, and meaningful activities. Here's a look back at the key events and milestones that shaped the last  year.

Festive Celebrations and Community Activities
Christmas Events Churches like Tain and Fearn Free Church hosted 'Christmas Unwrapped' events, while Capstone Christian Centre held its first 'Cafe Noel' event. Carol services were held across the Presbytery, bringing together congregations in celebration.
Regular Activities: Throughout the year, our churches organized coffee mornings, fundraising events, and quiz nights, fostering a sense of community and engagement.

Outreach and Service
Holiday Clubs Many churches, including Dornoch and Helmsdale Free Church, hosted holiday clubs during the summer, providing activities and support for children and families.
Warm Spaces In response to the cost of living crisis, our churches offered warm spaces during winter, extending support to those affected by the crisis.
Fundraisers Events like the Golspie Free Church Baking Fundraiser were held, supporting various missionary endeavors and community causes.

Leadership and Worship
Rev Jerry Taylor's Induction
December 2022 saw Rev Jerry Taylor begin his ministry in Thurso, bringing new leadership to Thurso & North Coast in 2023.
Bettyhill Services: After several years, Thurso & North Coast Free Church resumed monthly Sunday services at Bettyhill, reconnecting the community in worship.

Celebrations and Milestones
30 Years of Ministry A significant celebration was held for Howard & Christine, marking 30 years of their ministry in Castletown.
Church Growth: The Capstone Community Church, a plant from NP Connect, saw remarkable growth, expanding from a core team of 10 people in January to 70 regular attendees by the end of the year with many new people responding to the Gospel and seeking to know Jesus.

Digital Innovation
The launch of the NP Connect website and app in February marked a significant step in digital outreach, attracting over 3500 users by December and enhancing gospel connections via digital media across the Globe

Looking Forward
The Northern Presbytery has had a year marked by active community engagement. As we step into another year, lets pray for new opportunities for growth and service.

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