True Worship

“Woman,” Jesus replied, “believe me, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. (John 4:21)

On Sunday we learned of a Samaritan Woman who encountered Jesus. What followed was a conversation on true worship.

Imagine getting ready to exercise and then realising the gym is closed. Do you just skip exercising altogether that day? Well if you are like me maybe,  but if you are the disciplined type you take your exercise outside, or just work out at home because the act of exercising can be done anywhere; it’s not confined to the Gym.

Similarly, true worship of God is not confined to a building. Remember that time when everyone had to stay at home and learn what it meant to worship on the Lord's day in front of their computer? True worship can be done in any place.

Saying this is not to deny or undermine the Apostolic imperative for God’s people to assemble for worship, God's people are not to forsake meeting together (Heb 10:25). Only, it is to say that true worship is not confined to a single place, true worship encompasses all of our lives, not just what we do when we Gather. God is looking for those who will worship him in Spirit and Truth!

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