Posts with the category “midweek-muslings”

The Via Delorosa
by John Wilson on March 30th, 2023
Rev Iain MacAskill recently preached on the Road of Suffering, also known as the Via Dolorosa, which is not mentioned in the Bible, but all four Gospels narrate Jesus' journey along this path to his crucifixion. The path has landmarks called "stations," each representing a different moment in Jesus' journey and showing a different aspect of his suffering, such as carrying the cross, falling under ...  Read More
Divine Interruptions
by John Wilson on February 5th, 2023
Divine InterruptionsOn Sunday 5th February we launched a new series called "Love" at our Capstone outreach. As he preached through the parable of the Good Samaritan, Rev Iain highlighted that the priest who passed the man by, probably had many seeming legitimate reasons  not to stop, perhaps he had a long journey ahead and needed to make it home before dark, perhaps he had pressing responsibilitie...  Read More
Start Small
by John Wilson on January 31st, 2023
Zechariah Chapter 4 has lots to teach us about small beginnings. In 539BC and in fulfilment of Isiah’s prophecy, Cyrus King of Persia took control of Babylon and encouraged God's people to go back to their homeland, the work of rebuilding the temple had already begun with Zerubbabel, The foundations of the temple had been laid, but the work had come to a standstill. People could already see that t...  Read More
Why Jesus is better than a second chance
by John Wilson on January 24th, 2023
On Sunday 22nd at our Capstone gatherings, we continued our series "Begin Again" with a particular focus on the topic of "Second Chances" But in reality, the Good news of the Gospel is so much better than a "second chance"   Read More
New Beginnings
by John Wilson on January 8th, 2023
In the first sermon of our series "Begin again" we considered how repentance is not only a one time act but a way of life. Genuine repentance is the fruit of faith and prayer and love for God. Luther said that all of the Christian life should be marked by repentance.“The recognition of sin is the beginning of salvation.”- said Martin LutherWe remember that without the Holy Spirit first convicting ...  Read More
A Big Announcement
by John Wilson on December 28th, 2022
When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, 18 and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. (Luke 2:17-18)On Christmas day we heard about the host of Angels who announced to the Shepherds the birth of the Messiah. Have you noticed what people post on Facebook when they want to let the world know that something significan...  Read More



