
Prayer has been said to be the heartbeat of the Christian life.
Prayer is not easy! So don’t be disheartened if you find it so. Since prayer is such a central part of the Christian life we have the World, the flesh and the devil pulling against us. To find prayer hard at times is to be a sinner like the rest of us!
Prayer is not just another thing “we do” as Christians, another activity to tick off the list, it becomes part of who we are. It is our trust, our reliance on the LORD. John Calvin goes so far as to describe it as ‘the chief exercise of faith’.
We breathe in Scripture, and we breathe out prayer. Breathe in, breathe out: that’s the Christian life. Prayer is the breath of heavenly life: where that life is, there must be some prayer; where that life flourishes, there will be much prayer, and much pleasure in prayer. And friends, let us be clear: the life-breath of Christianity, of healthy churches, is not our talent, or even our hard work. It is prayer: active dependence upon God.

Rev Callum MacMillan

(Michael Reeves)
"The importance of meeting with others to pray became apparent to me as a young Christian. I always found it strange how I was never more tired after work than a Wednesday night - the night of the prayer meeting. I would be coming home on the bus after work and a million reasons going through my head why I should stay in that night, how it was sensible and all the rest of it. Usually though, after I would go, the tiredness would have left and I was glad I went. I became convinced of the battle to stop me from going, and my reasoning went, that if there was such obvious opposition to try and stop me from going it must be important that I go!"

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