Why Jesus is better than a second chance

On Sunday 22nd at our Capstone gatherings, we continued our series "Begin Again" with a particular focus on the topic of "Second Chances" But in reality, the Good news of the Gospel is so much better than a "second chance"

You see, the Bible teaches us that when it comes to the test of God's law "none is righteous" (Romans 3:10). That's the bad news, and it is really bad news, because transgression of God's law, (what the bible calls sin) brings death.

Now imagine this, you take a university-level maths test, and there is no way you can pass because you can barely do the basics. Simply put, you do not have what it takes to pass such an impossible standard. Is the news of a second chance good news? Is it good news to get a second chance at the impossible?

Jesus doesn't simply give us a second chance to begin again, he takes the test for us, in our place, on our behalf. He takes the test so that its requirements might be met by us who are in union with him. His merit becomes ours. What was his is imputed to us, accredited to our account.

A second chance at the impossible is not good news. Jesus taking the test in our place. That's the best news ever.

 For more on this see (Aaron Wilson, “He Is Not ‘The God of Second
Chances,’” The Gospel Coalition, July 7,
2016, https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/he- is-not-the-god-of-second-chances/).

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