Mission International Trip

Rev Roddy Barvis of Helmsdale Free Church will be part of a team being sent by Mission International to Haiti on the 20th of March.

Mission International Director hugh Henderson writes: 
“Mission International are sending a team out to Haiti on 20th March to continue the work there with Trinity Church and Pastor Rolex Poisson.  Over the last few years, we have been blessed by the completion of the Trinity School, however more space is needed there for more children to attend and there is need for classrooms at another site in Beyotte a short distance away.  Haiti is facing some really significant challenges at the moment, so your prayers for Ross, Vic, Roddy and Richard would be much appreciated as they travel and if you can also spare some money to support the building of the new classrooms, you can donate at www.give.net/haitischool - Thanks and God Bless"

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