The Via Delorosa

Rev Iain MacAskill recently preached on the Road of Suffering, also known as the Via Dolorosa, the phrase itself is not mentioned in the Bible, but all four Gospels narrate Jesus' journey along this path to his crucifixion. Today the path has landmarks called "stations," each representing a different moment in Jesus' journey and showing a different aspect of his suffering, such as carrying the cross, falling under its weight, and being nailed to it. Jesus' journey along this path reminds us that we are not alone in our suffering and that our suffering can have meaning and be offered up to God.

The Via Dolorosa is a story of hope, as Jesus' suffering was not in vain. He rose from the dead, conquered death and sin, and his sacrifice allowed us to be reconciled with God. Reflecting on this path can help us grow closer to God, deepen our faith, and become more like Jesus. As the Prophet Isaiah said, He was pierced and crushed for our transgressions and iniquities, and his wounds bring us healing and peace.

We must not belittle or make light of suffering, nevertheless Paul reminds Christians "For I consider our present sufferings and momentary afflictions are not worth comparing with the Glory that is to be revealed in us"  (Romans 8:18).

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